Posts Tagged ‘bing’

Bing shares its formula to right link building!

December 1st, 2009 | Posted by Bhavya Kapoor

The Bing community blog is picking up, Kudos to the eminent blogger from webmaster center team “Rick DeJarnette”, for putting up such nice write ups.

Yes, I am about to put forward my thoughts on the much hyped, yet appreciated blog post by Bing:

Bing - Link Building Methodology

Bing - Link Building Methodology

Well, in my opinion, “Market through Search” is a route taken up by every business on web today, in a hope to get that right traffic and since Google is one major traffic driving highway, a huge amount of link building is done following the Google prospect.

But what has easily been escaping everyone’s eye is what I intend to throw some light on! While, Google might be the bull of Search market, none can today deny the presence of other big search engines running tough to compete, with Bing being one of the toppers in the row!

For the first time, Bing has come out and spoken out loud about its expectations of link building process done by webmasters online. Bing’s formula for things to do and to avoid for effective link building is, unsurprisingly, similar to that advertised by Google with a point more or less different or new.

Now that is what all of us webmasters need to know about very well, don’t you think!? And hey, check this out: Bing too counts quality links as a priority when determining the ranking of a website.
Bing’s formula clearly goes on to say that expecting instant success and satisfaction is a wrong approach and that a continual efforts and creativity are the key elements to stick to.

In other words fellows, things to avoid while link building are basically a list of manipulating and violating elements that are often used to speed up as well as to influence the route for marketing, through search route. When your objective of link building is good and improved web ranking, Bing clearly says no to any hidden links used on a web page and linking to known spam sites.
And as if that wasn’t enough, Bing also rejects process of exchanging with bad web neighbors and paid link farms.

But believe it or not, I have to agree with Bing here now. Having inbound links from a relevant blog is good, while getting huge traffic of inbound links from unrelated and inappropriate sites or blogs is totally erroneous, just to get our website ranked high within a short time span, isn’t cool anymore (Ah, well, it won’t work either, anyways 🙂 )!
And just so you know, in case you don’t agree to me, Bing holds a stern perspective towards those found violating and manipulating the link building codes for “Marketing through Search”.

If you need to know stuff that you should do, to get better rankings with Bing, read on…
– Bing favors the idea of publishing professional articles on web based article directories, as well as informative and useful, but to the point, online press releases.

– Creating a blog/forum on a website is always an added advantage to that business site, in terms of online marketing. –

– If you don’t have a blog on your website, you can always partake in other blogs/forums sharing information regarding your site or business.

– Bing expects you to stick to the theme, so I suggest it would be wiser to constrain to relevant blogs and forums only, as well as publish your business related articles only. Only by participating in and publishing the related blogs and information can you attract relevant media people, product reviewers, industry experts and bloggers.

– Notifying online users of new content through email newsletter is a right approach.

And lastly, going advanced by connecting to social networking sites is the new “must-to-do” approach to spread your website links.

Phew! These are what I call Bing’s formula to efficient and effective link building.  And believe it or not, I totally endorse it! 

I know what you guys must be thinking by now. You can’t find much difference between the approach or Google and Bing when it comes to Link Building, can you? You’re right! But although Bing has a simple formula for good link building which clearly resembles to what Google works on, I truly believe that with more and more Search Engines laying effective guidelines out-in-open, people like you and me would be better equipped to understand the pulse of Search Engines and achieve better web ranking systems for our clients.

Let me know what you think!

Achtung Google, here comes Bing!!

July 31st, 2009 | Posted by Sahil Arora

Bing is the latest talk of the Web town! Successor to, Microsoft’s new hope Bing has captured the Search Engine arena and armed itself with an advanced weapon to crunch Google’s market share in the coming time. (Well, surely time will tell more about that!)

Planning to spend a whopping $100 Million on its advertising, seems Microsoft is hell bent in making ‘Bing’ a well known brand name by the time the campaigns are over!

It’s Microsoft’s endeavour to compete with Google in their game. History reveals a lot about their obvious prior attempts to do so, but it was dust all the way in Microsoft’s hands, eyes, even in mouth!
But this time, Steve Ballmer seems to be playing much more safer. It starts with his naming his Search Engine “Bing”! “The name is short, easy to say, and works globally.”
I guess he is right! After all, Microsoft has always been known for naming its product in a crisp manner just like “Internet Explorer” or perhaps “Office”. Bing is something innovative, short, and sweet and perhaps looks trendier.

A “Decision Engine” as they call it, has that “effervescent” factor to it with its high end graphics, glossy feel, awesome pop up dialog effects, and well, its not just limited to the design!
The Search Results are more refined and more “on topic” than the previous blatant results. Hence, it’s not just something for play, as Microsoft plans doing some serious business this time!

We just tested this much hyped against Google for a search term “Fathers Day” and guess what?? has superb results to offer, while Google has its conventional set of results.
Well, according to us, this new “Decision Engine” actually works!
How? Well, see this…

Bing Search - Fathers Day Query

Bing Search - Fathers Day Query

 Well, for starters, at least this newbie shows when “Father ’s Day” is celebrated! Something any surfer would want to be informed about first!
On the other hand we have our very own Google, which had something else for us to see. Check this…

Google Search - Fathers Day Query Results

Google Search - Fathers Day Query Results

Bing had almost 158,000,000 results for the term, and that too precisely sorted, while Google has lesser results and that too with a “News” section as a result on top of it. Not to forget the usual link which comes up for this search! Sigh!
Seriously Google, did you really think we were there to read News on Father’s Day!

Anyhow, certainly gets the accolades for showing up informational results, or at least the ones we wanted to see first! Now that’s a smart decision there!

But wait, we have some more insight for you on this new kid in the block! For the terms that are not so popular, Bing actually has the same feel as Google, as it just shows those heavy Sponsored listings on top of the page and on the right as well.

But the “one of its kind” feature that gives its users is that, if you hover over the link towards the left, then it’ll actually show you a brief description of what that page actually contains in terms of text on the extreme right of the SERPS.
Now that’s something refreshing!
We think, Google has a long way to go on this route! Right guys? 😉

But hold on here guys, we’re not suggesting that we love just the way it is! As far as we’re concerned, it still needs a little polishing here and there. But then, we surely think it’s far better than some of the other SE choices we have, “Wolfram Alpha” for starters! Well, alright, let’s not go there; it’s not even in the league of comparisons!

Coming back to Bing, according to Microsoft, they’ve been working to enhance it even more, and not only for the US version, but for the location specific versions. Good thing!
Seems like this time Microsoft has its eye right on the target and knows how to reach there. The pointer still aims at Yahoo which almost has twice the market share than Good enough Mr. Ballmer, coz if Google is your target, you’ll at least end up beating Yahoo on way we assume. Things with look good for now, but we think it’s too early for a final verdict.

For now, all we can say is Good Luck Bing… and happy reading green-eyed Google!

And for all of you who’ve had a look at this latest “Bing” buzz in the Search Engine market, tell us what you feel! Do you think this “Bing” has that “Bling”?